Thursday, April 13, 2006

David Sedaris + movie roundup

Okay, I haven't posted in a while, so here's the roundup:

Gina and I caught David Sedaris on Tuesday night. He played the North Charleston Performing Arts Center (it's a nice room, though I don't forgive them for their non-standard coding that makes the navigation system hard to use if you're using Firefox). The show was great. This was our first time to catch him live. Now I'm eager to check out some of his books.

We've also run though quite a few movies of late. There's no time for a full review of each, but I want to jot them down here, with a brief comment or two, so I don't forget them: The Constant Gardener (beautifully shot, great acting from Ralph Fines, a little political for my tastes--which is saying something, as I enjoy political movies), Waiting (silly gross out comedy about working in restaurants--not bad, especially in that it pegs a lot of things about those sorts of jobs), Wedding Crashers (what you'd expect from Vaughn + Owens), Crash (really good writing, though a bit contrived in places. Beautifully shot. Don Cheadle is amazing, as always, but every actor puts in an amazing performance here), Derailed (starts off great, then starts to turn into one of those horrible evil genius villian movies, then saves itself a bit toward the end. Still, I wouldn't recommend it. I love Clive Owen. And Jennifer Aniston is a guilty pleasure, but this didn't work for me), Walk the Line (second time for me: it holds up very well).


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